1:1 Portal Twin Flame Union Healing

£ 211.00

The number 11 is a big indicator of a Twin Flame Reunion or Union being on its way to you.  Channeled energies of the 1:1 Portal.  This is a healing for Union.  Great for everyone no matter what the situation.  Your Twin Flame is always very close to you in your life.  Heals this connection […]


The number 11 is a big indicator of a Twin Flame Reunion or Union being on its way to you.  Channeled energies of the 1:1 Portal.  This is a healing for Union.  Great for everyone no matter what the situation.  Your Twin Flame is always very close to you in your life.  Heals this connection with you and this person.  Heals separation issues so you can come into Union.  Great for healing separation issues, or wounds triggered by separation.  Helps you to Reunite with your Twin Flame.  Heals your Union helping you to have a smoother Union.  Helps you both to heal so your relationship will help you both to reach your highest potential together.  You might see aspects of yourself that need to be healed in your Twin Flame.  Helps you to heal both Twin Flames, and the wounded aspects that they have shown you that lie in both.  This healing will propel both to a higher level of love and healing.  Helps to open up the throat chakra, communication, and higher communication.  Communication is a huge part of opening up the Twin Flame connection.  Heals communication issues, or lack of communication.  Heals you both.  Heals the connection. Opens you both up to positive change and transformation.  Healing for your Union.


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