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Twin Flame Heart Chakra Activation
This is a channeled healing activation. Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection. Great for everyone, no matter what your situation. Heal your love life. This is a heart chakra activation. Heal your heart chakra to heal your love life. The heart chakra is the source of your capacity to give and receive […]
This is a channeled healing activation. Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection. Great for everyone, no matter what your situation. Heal your love life. This is a heart chakra activation. Heal your heart chakra to heal your love life. The heart chakra is the source of your capacity to give and receive love, making it a powerful force in your life. The heart chakra is responsible for how we love and what type of relationships we have. Heal your heart chakra so you’re able to send and receive love easily. All of our chakras store energies and information, known sometimes as imprints. These imprints can resonate throughout our lives, sometimes with good energies and memories and sometimes with painful ones. Clear out negative energies and negative imprints. Let go of past painful energies. The heart chakra holds those heart strings, the things that tie us to the people, places and things that we hold so dear to us. Let go of negative energies and past connections more fully so you can open up to more love with your Twin Flame. Heal and activate your heart chakra. Heal and activate your energy, healing your love life. Energetically open up to be able to hold more love/ love based energies. This will allow you and your Twin Flame to be able to pour more into each other, giving and receiving more love.
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