Healing Package For Money Blockages

£ 211.00

Feel you never have enough? This is a block with healing.  Great for healing stress around money.  Heals and opens up your cash flow.  Dissolves and heals energetic money blockages.  Open up to receive more. Heals the energy blockages and subconscious blocks around money.  Helps you to see more of your value attracting more money […]


Feel you never have enough? This is a block with healing.  Great for healing stress around money.  Heals and opens up your cash flow.  Dissolves and heals energetic money blockages.  Open up to receive more. Heals the energy blockages and subconscious blocks around money.  Helps you to see more of your value attracting more money effortlessly.  Increase your confidence, and self esteem.  Heals money blocks that have you spending money negatively.  Great for healing your mindset so you can shift into 5D abundance.  Turn your goals into reality.  Attract more cash to do more.  Healing for financial debt that may be holding you back.  Heals and dissolves deep rooted money blockages.  Heals anxieties, or worries around money.  Heals thoughts, mindset, and feelings that gets in the way of you accomplishing financial success.  Helps to heal debt.  Helps you to save more.  Stress less about money and attract more of it.


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