1:21 – 2:28 Planet Parade Twin Flame Activation

£ 66.00

This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heal your love life.  Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars will be visible.  As the weeks progress, Mercury will join the parade and, by the end of February, Neptune and Uranus will also […]


This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heal your love life.  Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars will be visible.  As the weeks progress, Mercury will join the parade and, by the end of February, Neptune and Uranus will also be seen in the night sky.  The clearest view of the celestial event will be on Jan 21st and Feb 28th.  There is a soul level quality of Venus that resonates spiritually with the heart chakra.  Energies of Venus to open, heal, and activate your heart chakra.  Heal issues to do with the Divine Feminine at a deeper level.  Venus’s energy encourages us to seek out relationships that bring joy  and fulfillment, guiding us toward experiences that enhance our sense of well-being.  Venus’s energy is also linked to the heart chakra, which governs love, compassion, and forgiveness.  By working with this chakra, you can open yourself to giving and receiving love more freely.  Heal past wounds and release any blockages that prevent you from experiencing unconditional love.  Energies of Mars to heal the energy of the overall connection.  Mars represents the fire or driving force behind the Twin Flame dynamic.  Energies for that Divine spark that is the driving force between any Twin Flame connection.  Heal issues to do with the Divine Masculine at a deeper level.  Energies of Jupiter.  Jupiter helps Twin Flames to have a deeper understanding of the connection.  Energies for more understanding, helping you to forgive past mistakes and move forward with a more open heart.  Energies of Uranus.  Break free from old patterns and limiting beliefs.  Neptune energies for overall healing of the spiritual connection.  Neptune, is the Planet of dreams, intuition, spirituality, and spiritual enlightenment.  Activate and awaken the spiritual aspects of your connection/ Union.  Neptune’s energy is ethereal and otherworldly.  Connect more on higher levels.  (5D/ astrals).  Twin Flames are intertwined across lifetimes.  Activate more of this inner knowing.  Open up to more higher inspiration and downloads that will help to better guide you on your Twin Flame Journey.  Energies of Saturn for healing for your love life, and relationship.  In order for you both to come together permanently they need to work out karma with themselves and each other.  Let go of and release karmic energies.  Saturn helps drive the Divine timing dynamics of the Twin Flame journey, especially regarding the clearing of karmic energies, which is a blockage to Union.


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