Twin Flame Karmic Contract Healing

£ 255.00

Soul contracts are agreements that your soul made before incarnating here in this lifetime.  Your soul made agreements with other souls before you were born in order to have certain experiences and lessons.  This is a healing for your Twin Flame Soul contracts.  Helps to burn through and heal past soul contracts you both had […]



Soul contracts are agreements that your soul made before incarnating here in this lifetime.  Your soul made agreements with other souls before you were born in order to have certain experiences and lessons.  This is a healing for your Twin Flame Soul contracts.  Helps to burn through and heal past soul contracts you both had with other people.  Helps to heal and activate higher contracts that you hold specifically with your Twin Flame.  In a Twin Flame soul contract, you constantly yearn for each other until you meet and anchor into Union.  You always feel incomplete and that a certain part of you is missing.  The different things you experience, your Twin Flame also experiences.  This agreement between you and your Twin Flames soul is inked before you incarnate into this lifetime.  If you meet someone and already feel you’ve known them your whole life, there may be a soul contract in place between you.  You may know things about them without having to be told and feel incredible intensity towards them right after meeting.  The issue is the other soul contracts that you both hold.  If in separation this may be a huge factor too.  Even in Union it comes up.  A good healing for the karmic contracts that you hold.  A karmic contract is a battle or situation you have consciously or unconsciously signed up for in your life.  It can come from your ancestors, traumatic experiences, or living unconsciously for so long.  Healing for karmic contracts.  Great for healing family line karmic contracts and family line karmic patterns.  Karmic contracts involve dealing with unfinished business from past lives.  Healing for past life karmic contracts.  Healing for all your soul contracts including karmic contracts, soulmate contracts, Twin Flame contracts, and soul ties.


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