Twin Flame Balancing Healing Package

£ 211.00

Twin Flames are the same soul who’s chosen to split into two polarities (masculine and feminine) as a way to experience a physical (dual) existence.  That is why when we meet our Twin Flame it feels extremely familiar although we’ve never seen them before.  This is a good healing and balancing for the Divine Masculine […]



Twin Flames are the same soul who’s chosen to split into two polarities (masculine and feminine) as a way to experience a physical (dual) existence.  That is why when we meet our Twin Flame it feels extremely familiar although we’ve never seen them before.  This is a good healing and balancing for the Divine Masculine and their wounded feminine aspects, and the Divine Feminine and their wounded masculine aspects.  Helps you to better balance your energies with your Twin Flame.  At times the separation pain you project onto your twin can be quite unbearable.  Heals this deeper wound.  Feeling painfully separated from your Twin Flame means that you feel painfully separated from yourself.  It shows that your inner feminine and masculine are wounded and that’s what needs to be healed.  Heals these deeper masculine/ feminine wounds and imbalances.  Twin Flames are the ultimate balancing act.  What they have, you lack, and vice versa. The masculine and feminine energies between you and within you are out of balance.  Heals and balances these energies.  Heals the past between you and your Twin Flame.  Heals any past runner disconnections.


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