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Twin Flame Clearing- Energetic And Emotional Cleanse
This is a good clearing for you and your Twin Flame. Clears your energy, clears your Twin Flame connection. Great for everyone, no matter what your situation. A good energetic, and emotional cleanse. Release anything and everything that is no longer needed. Let go of whatever is holding you back, even if it isn’t identified. […]
This is a good clearing for you and your Twin Flame. Clears your energy, clears your Twin Flame connection. Great for everyone, no matter what your situation. A good energetic, and emotional cleanse. Release anything and everything that is no longer needed. Let go of whatever is holding you back, even if it isn’t identified. Release all and be emptied, in order to be re-filled with Source energies, thoughts, motives, and to have your emotions and feelings redirected higher. Clear out old toxic feelings, positions, attitudes, and patterns. Let go of hurtful memory’s, and that wall of defense, which is no longer necessary. Heal and clear the things that you stuffed down and away so long ago (or in the present). Let go of what you’re needing too. This is a good cleanse from fears – present and past ones – self-doubts, worries, burdens, anxieties. These may be attached to other people who you may believe may have harmed you in the past or present. Or people who have a hold over you who try to control or dominate you. Time to let it go, all of it. You will no longer allow yourself to be held back. Toxins add up and create blocks in system. The blocks create relationship blocks and barriers. Let them go. As you release and let go of all the old energies, realize that they can no longer be allowed. You are dismissing them on the grounds that you are ready to rise above them and you intend to be done with them once and for all. Clear out old pain in your body, a blocked condition or dysfunction in any part of your relationship. A great energy and relationship clearing.
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