Violet Flame Twin Flame Activation

£ 66.00

This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heals your love life.  Energies of the Violet Flame.  Channeled energies of Saint Germaine and Lady Portia, who are also Twin Flames.  Heal and protect your Union.  Connect with the Violet ray.  […]



This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heals your love life.  Energies of the Violet Flame.  Channeled energies of Saint Germaine and Lady Portia, who are also Twin Flames.  Heal and protect your Union.  Connect with the Violet ray.  Activate your own Violet ray and Flame connection.  Helps you to balance love and wisdom.  Heals any karmic imbalances between you and your Twin Flame.  You and your Twin Flames are two halves of a single Divine Flame, embodying the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.  Heal and activate these aspects bringing them together into Divine Union.  Violet flame energies to transform your connection.  Energies for spiritual unity and balance.  Transmute any negative energies and blockages into positive ones.  Twin Flames complement and balance each other, sharing a profound connection that transcends physical limitations.  Open up to more love, compassion, and forgiveness in your Twin Flames connection.  The Twin Flame relationship is a Divine partnership that transcends many lifetimes.  Send the Violet flame across these many lifetimes.


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