2:27 Pisces New Moon Twin Flame Activation

£ 66.00

This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heal your love life.  Ground, release, and align with the lunar energies of the magical Pisces New Moon.  The Sun and Moon are in the enchanting sign of Pisces.  Let go of […]


This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heal your love life.  Ground, release, and align with the lunar energies of the magical Pisces New Moon.  The Sun and Moon are in the enchanting sign of Pisces.  Let go of what no longer is serving you in the energy level from your Twin Flame connection.  Open, cleanse, and activate your heart chakra.  This is the last New Moon before the astrological new year.  Great for emotional healing.  The compassionate energy of Pisces supports deep emotional release, offering a space for self-love and renewal in your Twin Flame connection.  This Pisces New Moon prepares you for the Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo next month, a powerful moment of soul-level realignment.  Eclipses bring fated events and awakenings, and this New Moon is an invitation to lay the groundwork for the changes that are coming.  Great for overall healing.  If you’re experiencing challenges in your Twin Flame relationship, this Pisces New Moon can be a time for self-reflection, forgiveness, and healing.  This New Moon marks the beginning of a brand-new lunar cycle, setting the stage for a fresh chapter in your Twin Flame journey.  Let go of what no longer serves you in order to make room for what truly aligns with your soul’s path and your Twin Flame journey.


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