3:15 – 4:7 Mercury Retrograde Activation

£ 66.00

A channeled healing activation.  Raise your vibrational frequency.  Mercury stations Retrograde, which means it’s time to slow down and double-check the details.  Mercury Retrograde is a review phase.  This is an important time to review what you want out of life choices before committing.  This is a good time to review what you’re putting your […]


A channeled healing activation.  Raise your vibrational frequency.  Mercury stations Retrograde, which means it’s time to slow down and double-check the details.  Mercury Retrograde is a review phase.  This is an important time to review what you want out of life choices before committing.  This is a good time to review what you’re putting your energy towards.  The veils between the physical world and spiritual world will be very thin.  This helps you to tune in more spiritually, and to heighten your psychic abilities.  You will be able to feel where things are stronger energetically and can get messages in visions or have prophetic dreams.  You will also be able to hear your intuition more clearly.  Mercury Retrograde is the perfect time to slow down, unwind, reset, and even reconnect with your past.  Let go of and heal your past.  Heal what is coming up for you now.  Heal old wounds, and break past patterns.  Healing for your past selves.  What makes this celestial moonwalk different from the others is that the planet of communication is moving between Aries and Pisces, allowing you to evolve your self-talk to be positive.  Shift into a higher frequency, and more positive state from within.  Raise your vibrations, and self-esteem.  Aries is a fire sign that focuses on the self and is full of boldness, and Pisces is a water sign that is sensitive and spiritual, so you will want to rethink your relationship you have with yourself.  Use the energy of Mercury Retrograde to transform yourself for the better.  Through more self-love, you can move towards enlightenment.


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