3:25 Twin Flame Energy Clearing — Mercury In Aries Sextile Pluto in Aquarius

£ 155.00

Clear the energetic pathways between you and your Twin Flame and open space for fearless truth, soul-level connection, and higher timelines.  This powerful energy clearing works with the bold clarity of Mercury in Aries and the transformative force of Pluto in Aquarius to dissolve miscommunication, fear, karmic residue, and interference blocking Divine Union. Whether your […]


Clear the energetic pathways between you and your Twin Flame and open space for fearless truth, soul-level connection, and higher timelines.  This powerful energy clearing works with the bold clarity of Mercury in Aries and the transformative force of Pluto in Aquarius to dissolve miscommunication, fear, karmic residue, and interference blocking Divine Union.

Whether your Twin Flame is physically present or aligning with you in the energetic realm, this clearing will:

• Release subconscious fear and hesitation around communication and vulnerability.

• Clear karmic patterns, ancestral blockages, and psychic cords.

• Strengthen the energetic bond between your hearts and higher selves.

• Open pathways for honest, loving, and soul-deep connection.

• Open up new frequencies of trust, empowerment, and Union.

Best used: During Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius, or anytime you need to release stuck energy and reconnect to the fearless, transformative love you are destined for.

Clear.  Realign.  Magnetize Union.


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