3:7 Sun In Pisces Trine Mars In Cancer Twin Flame Healing

£ 211.00

A good healing for you and your Twin Flame connection.  Great for everyone.  The Moon is also in Cancer.  Amazing to tap into to shift your Twin Flame relationship into a more secure place.  Great for bringing new positive energy into Twin Flame connection.  Your Twin Flame came into your life to get you to […]


A good healing for you and your Twin Flame connection.  Great for everyone.  The Moon is also in Cancer.  Amazing to tap into to shift your Twin Flame relationship into a more secure place.  Great for bringing new positive energy into Twin Flame connection.  Your Twin Flame came into your life to get you to heal more and to focus on your ascension path.  Heal deeper unresolved trauma and karmic patterns.  Your Twin Flame helps you with your ascension by acting as a powerful mirror, reflecting your deepest wounds and shadow aspects.  Heal these wounded, shadow spaces. This helps you to raise your vibrational frequency, and shifts you onto a higher state of consciousness.  Your Twin Flame is here to push you to confront your inner self and work through unresolved issues to reach your highest potential.  Your Twin Flame will mirror back quite intensely your own unhealed aspects reflected back at you.  Heal these areas that need it.  Your Twin Flame will mirror to you your past traumas and karmic patterns.  Heal and release these areas karmic patterns.  Allowing for a higher frequency and energetic state.



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