Healing Activation For Clearing Negative Family Line Patterns You Picked Up

£ 66.00

This is a healing activation.  Raise your frequency and heal the wounds from past traumas.  Heal negative traits, behaviors, and experiences from your family line/ and that you picked up from past experiences.  Heal and clear past patterns and negativity affecting your life.  Clear karmic imprints from your energy field and from your DNA.  This […]


This is a healing activation.  Raise your frequency and heal the wounds from past traumas.  Heal negative traits, behaviors, and experiences from your family line/ and that you picked up from past experiences.  Heal and clear past patterns and negativity affecting your life.  Clear karmic imprints from your energy field and from your DNA.  This is a DNA healing and activation.  Upgrade your DNA for ascension.  Channeled light codes for your spiritual awakening.  Clear karma from past incarnations, collective imprints, and inherited imprints.  Clear and heal patterns of self-sabotage.  Clear and heal self-destructive patterns, and limiting beliefs.  Clear anything blocking your light.  Clear blocks that form karmic imprints which block your DNA.  Activate your DNA.  Take it up a level.