Lyran Twin Flame Activation

£ 66.00

This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heals your love life.  Lyran energies to heal your heart chakra and your love life.  Heal and restore your heart chakra.  Heal any blockages of growing pains.  Cleanse your heart chakra of […]



This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heals your love life.  Lyran energies to heal your heart chakra and your love life.  Heal and restore your heart chakra.  Heal any blockages of growing pains.  Cleanse your heart chakra of hurt.  Inside your relationship with Lyran energies for a sense of peace and contentment while encouraging self-assurance and willpower.  Raise your frequency and your consciousness up.  Feel greater love and harmony.  The connection with a Twin Flame is essential for healing and growth, and they are meant to eventually come together to fulfill a larger purpose.  Activate the connection and this shared purpose.  Heal wounds around codependency, rejection and abandonment.  Heal the old inner child wounds.  Heal, open and activate your heart chakra.


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