Activation To Shift Out Of 3D into 5D

£ 66.00

This is a channeled healing activation.  Uplift your energies and frequencies.  Raise your vibration to the 5th dimension.  Be more grounded in the present.  Be more intentional with your words, actions, and thoughts.  Shift out of the 3D illusion of separation or limitation.  Shift into a deeper energetic alignment with the 5D which will help […]



This is a channeled healing activation.  Uplift your energies and frequencies.  Raise your vibration to the 5th dimension.  Be more grounded in the present.  Be more intentional with your words, actions, and thoughts.  Shift out of the 3D illusion of separation or limitation.  Shift into a deeper energetic alignment with the 5D which will help you move with a greater feeling of flow and ease.  Align with your goals and imagination.  The 5D is an entirely different plane of existence to this physical reality.  It’s the spiritual realm.  The best way to understand 5D reality is to think of it as if you’ve escaped the matrix, and have begun accessing the spiritual dimensions.  The method to access five-dimensional reality is through vibration.  Clear outdated 3D ego and matrix based beliefs.  Your beliefs carry a lot of energy and also have a significant impact on your vibration.  That’s why it’s important to look at your belief systems.  Clear the negative beliefs keeping you stuck in the old.  Be more aware of your thoughts.  Your thoughts fuel your frequency, whatever thoughts you have will be your reality.  Let go of limiting thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back.  This is an energy activation, but also activates your 5D mindset.


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