Sacral Chakra Healing And Cleanse

£ 155.00

Heal your sacral chakra.  This healing is all about personal transformation.  Heal old wounds and old relationship wounds.  Be more understanding of yourself and others.  Tap into more self discovery and empowerment.  Unblock and heal your sacral chakra.  Clear and cleanse your sacral chakra of negative emotions.  Heals depression, detachment, indulgent behavior, over sensitive, fear, […]



Heal your sacral chakra.  This healing is all about personal transformation.  Heal old wounds and old relationship wounds.  Be more understanding of yourself and others.  Tap into more self discovery and empowerment.  Unblock and heal your sacral chakra.  Clear and cleanse your sacral chakra of negative emotions.  Heals depression, detachment, indulgent behavior, over sensitive, fear, anxiety and poor boundaries.  Boost your creativity, pleasure, and confidence.  Heal and strengthen your sacral chakra.  This will make your energy stronger.  Heal any unworthiness you’re holding in the sacral chakra.  Heals issues with worthiness due to inherited familial patterns, parental & societal programming.  Heals feelings that your too much, or not enough.  Heal your sacral chakra which is your center for abundance.  Heal outdated generational patterns that block your energy or abundance.  Heal shame.  Cleanse your sacral of past relationship or energies picked up from past sexual partners.  This is your survival mode chakra.  Heal old wounds and patterns that may have you running on survival mode.  Heal and cleanse your sacral chakra.


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