Twin Flame Starseed Mission Healing

£ 211.00

This is a channeled healing.  Heal your energy and raise your frequency.  You came to Earth to share your light, love, and wisdom with humanity.  Clear anything blocking that light.  Strengthen your connection to your Twin Flame, star family and the Pleiadians.  You have a very important Twin Flame mission to help humanity ascend to […]



This is a channeled healing.  Heal your energy and raise your frequency.  You came to Earth to share your light, love, and wisdom with humanity.  Clear anything blocking that light.  Strengthen your connection to your Twin Flame, star family and the Pleiadians.  You have a very important Twin Flame mission to help humanity ascend to a higher dimension of consciousness and create a new Earth.  Awaken more to that shared Twin Flame mission.  Bring more awareness of it online.  This healing will help you to be more of an example of love, peace, and joy.  Radiate your high-frequency energy wherever you go and influence others positively.  Tap into more wisdom, knowledge, and gifts.  Open up to better teach, heal, create, and communicate more messages of hope, inspiration, and empowerment.  Activate your Twin Flame DNA codes and Twin Flame abilities.  Awaken your dormant potential and remember who you truly are.  Access more of your Twin Flame multidimensional nature and abilities such as telepathy, clairvoyance, or manifestation.  Better connect with your star family and other Twin Flame Starseeds.  Open up the many gifts and abilities that you can use to fulfill your purpose and express your true self.  Open up to more support and guidance from your star family and other beings of light.


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