Twin Flame Clearing For The Old

£ 155.00

This is a good clearing for you and your Twin Flame.  Clears your energy, clears your Twin Flame connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Clear childhood and generational family trauma.  Clear any of the old or toxic from your life.  This healing will help you to accept yourself as you are despite […]



This is a good clearing for you and your Twin Flame.  Clears your energy, clears your Twin Flame connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Clear childhood and generational family trauma.  Clear any of the old or toxic from your life.  This healing will help you to accept yourself as you are despite your insecurities.  Clears the feelings of doubt and abandonment that tend to surface.  Mars is about affirming the Self and going for what we want, while Chiron is where we feel odd and inadequate, where we don’t feel worthy of getting what we want.  Heal these deeper feelings and wounds around life and not feeling worthy of our Twin Flame or of Union.  Find more wholeness, by accepting and integrating those parts of yourself.  Twin Flames have suffered much pain and previous soulmate relationships.  Clear past pain from painful relationships.  Cut your energetic cords.  Release the energetic cords to your past and past relationships.  Clear any cords that are negative and that are attached to your chakras.  Clear any negative past energetic attachments.  Clear negative energy attachments with others and painful experiences on every level.


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