Twin Flame Healing For Your Background And Upbringing

£ 211.00

In Twin Flame relationships these two people bring to the surface the parts of each other that require healing.  A deep healing for you and your Twin Flame connection.  When you compare notes and stories about your lives, the two of you have several similarities in your backgrounds or upbringings.  Heal your past.  Heal the […]



In Twin Flame relationships these two people bring to the surface the parts of each other that require healing.  A deep healing for you and your Twin Flame connection.  When you compare notes and stories about your lives, the two of you have several similarities in your backgrounds or upbringings.  Heal your past.  Heal the inner child wounds so that you can both feel safe in Union.  Heal the negative qualities and baggage.  Highs and lows are a normal part of the relationship.  You may swing between extreme passion and pain.  Heal the lower emotions that come up in the lows. This will lead to less lows and more balance energetically.  Better understand your emotions and feel more comfortable with your emotions.  Better process your emotions energetically.  Helps you to experience less Twin Flame purging.  This helps you to let go of your ego and old, limiting beliefs to make way for the new person that you want to be.  Release hidden fears and everything else that doesn’t serve you.  These can be feelings a peace, balance and calm, but also feelings of loneliness, loss and helplessness. The old has passed away, but the new hasn’t arrived yet.  Transitioning from darkness to light is definitely not pleasurable, and both emotional and physical pain could be involved.  Let go of stagnant energies.  Raise your frequency and recalibrate your energies.


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