Activation For Your Higher Soul Potential

£ 66.00

This is a channeled energy healing.  This is a great overall healing and activation.  Raise your vibration.  Raise your spiritual frequency.   Great for clearing energy blocks and energetic distortions.  An Ascension activation.  Heal any issues coming up in navigating your current reality, be it your past life karma or your current life’s soul lessons.  […]



This is a channeled energy healing.  This is a great overall healing and activation.  Raise your vibration.  Raise your spiritual frequency.   Great for clearing energy blocks and energetic distortions.  An Ascension activation.  Heal any issues coming up in navigating your current reality, be it your past life karma or your current life’s soul lessons.  Clear and let go of negative energies, things holding you back, and outer obstacles.  Though you cannot change the fated events, you can however change the way you take on your soul lessons.  Heal and better integrate them in your daily life.  Let go of past energies.  Release traumas from your past.  Let go of deeper energy blockages.  Heal from your soul lessons.  Heal past wounds.  Heal and let go of heavy ancestral wounding, karma, patterns and conditioning which bled down through your family lineage.  A great family healing.  Let go of the patterns that still remain.  A good frequency healing and upgrade.  Shift into a deeper alignment and a Union with your Higher Self so that you can reach your full soul potential.


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