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Twin Flame Clearing For Rejection Wounds
This is a good clearing for you and your Twin Flame. Clears your energy, clears your Twin Flame connection. Great for everyone, no matter what your situation. Heals deeper childhood rejection wounds. The effects of rejection in childhood may include fear of intimacy, distrust, anxiety and depression, and people-pleasing behaviors. Heals rejection trauma that can […]
This is a good clearing for you and your Twin Flame. Clears your energy, clears your Twin Flame connection. Great for everyone, no matter what your situation. Heals deeper childhood rejection wounds. The effects of rejection in childhood may include fear of intimacy, distrust, anxiety and depression, and people-pleasing behaviors. Heals rejection trauma that can come up in Twin Flame connections. Heal the deep rejection wounds that you carry. Rejection happens on both ends. We often do this as a result of childhood wounds where our parents have rejected us in some way so in turn we reject the love that is attempting to be exchanged. Heals runner/ chaser wounds and patterns. The chaser Twin Flame chases and can be clingy from an anxious attachment style from insecure attachment due to a narcissist parent. The narcissist parent rejected the chaser or parts of them. The narcissist parent would not allow the chaser to love themself because the narcissist parent wanted all the love, attention, and energy for themself. The narcissist parent intimidated the chaser to have self-love lack which is codependency. The chaser has lack of self-love, codependency, rejection issues, and abandonment issues because of the treatment by the narcissist parent. Then the Twin Flame runner has avoidant attachment style because of a clingy parent and treats the Twin Flame chaser the same as the narcissist parent. They runs, ignores, and avoids. Heals deep wounds around rejection and rejecting. Heals self criticism. Heals past rejection and Twin Flame rejection wounds.
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