Twin Flame DNA Healing Package

£ 355.00

Heal your DNA.  We come to Earth with our DNA blueprint.  Our childhood determines which genetics are activated.  This is why our childhood upbringing and environment determine the DNA we will enter into adulthood with.  This is where we pick up the negative behaviors, patterns, and behaviors of the adults around us.  We tend to […]


Heal your DNA.  We come to Earth with our DNA blueprint.  Our childhood determines which genetics are activated.  This is why our childhood upbringing and environment determine the DNA we will enter into adulthood with.  This is where we pick up the negative behaviors, patterns, and behaviors of the adults around us.  We tend to mirror and pick up their negative behaviors and even attitudes.  This is a deep healing for your DNA.  Specific healing for your relationship templates.  Ever notice you are mirroring and playing out your parent’s relationship model or template.  Most of the time they were operating on a 3D template.  It’s our job to heal that and to shift over to the new 5D templates held within our DNA.  This healing helps you to do just that.  Most people are still operating or running on the old.  This is an upgrade for your DNA and templates.  Shift out of the old 3D narratives, dramas, and stories.  Let go of the generational narratives.  Shift into higher realities, and with your Twin Flame.  They always act out your templates.  Heal your love life at the DNA level.  You share the same blueprint.  Upgrade yours you heal and upgrade your Twin Flames.  You both have the same DNA template one in the male and one in the female.  Heal both templates.  Clear and cleanse impurities from your DNA.  Helps to heal and shift into higher Twin Flame templates.  Shift out of rye old 3D control drama of love and into 5D states of unconditional love.  Clear and cleanse the inner child and deeper family like patterns and narratives from your templates.


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