Twin Flame Clearing For Sabotaging Thoughts

£ 155.00

This is a good clearing for you and your Twin Flame.  Clears your energy, clears your Twin Flame connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Release and heal inner blocks that keep you from manifesting Union, or getting in the way of Union.  Clear any blocks too, and around love.  Get rid of […]



This is a good clearing for you and your Twin Flame.  Clears your energy, clears your Twin Flame connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Release and heal inner blocks that keep you from manifesting Union, or getting in the way of Union.  Clear any blocks too, and around love.  Get rid of the negative and sabotaging thoughts.  Clear the unconscious programs that try to keep you from love.  Clear unconscious blocks.  Clear energetic blocks in your Twin Flame relationship.  Release stagnant energy, promote balance, and restore harmony to the connection.  Clear any repeating cycles and unresolved issues.  Clear any karma and other underlying issues.  Clear negative relationship patterns.  Clear behaviors that come up that sabotage things.  Heal and clear negative relationship patterns resulting from inner blocks, also known as limiting beliefs that become self-fulfilling prophecies.  Clear the limiting beliefs and the energetic blocks attached to them.  Clear programs such as I need to be perfect to recurve love, and people always hurt me.  Release the inner blocks to love.  Heal deeper inner child wounds and blocks.


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