Activation For Your Spiritual Destiny

£ 66.00

This is a channeled healing activation.  Activate your North Node.  Let go of your karmic past and align with your destiny.  Get more clear on your spiritual destiny.  Clear and cleanse yourself of energies from your karmic past that hold you back.  Let go of karmic blocks from the past.  Shift into alignment with your…



This is a channeled healing activation.  Activate your North Node.  Let go of your karmic past and align with your destiny.  Get more clear on your spiritual destiny.  Clear and cleanse yourself of energies from your karmic past that hold you back.  Let go of karmic blocks from the past.  Shift into alignment with your fate and destiny.  Raise your frequency.  Shift into your highest potential.  Activate your soul purpose.  Your soul purpose is incredibly unique and specific to your karmic journey.  Better understand your karmic path, soul’s purpose, and the lessons you are meant to learn in this lifetime.  The North Node’s lessons often require you to step outside of your comfort zones, confront your fears and insecurities, and embrace growth and change in order to evolve and fulfill your soul’s destiny.  The North Node helps you to step into the lessons you are meant to learn, the direction you want to be heading in order to actualize your purpose more fully.  The North Node represents the unique direction that you are being called to explore and, ultimately, become.  The North Node reflects your destined future.  A North Node activation.  Activate and shift into a deeper alignment with your destiny, tapping into more of the path that lies ahead.


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