Midsummer Fairy Activation

£ 66.00

Midsummers is when magic abounds, darkness is kept at bay, and the fairy world is close at hand.  This activation will activate your healing gifts and ability to tap into the future.  Channeled Fairy Energies.  Will help you to heal, and to better activate your own healing magic.  Will help with more clarity and knowing…


Midsummers is when magic abounds, darkness is kept at bay, and the fairy world is close at hand.  This activation will activate your healing gifts and ability to tap into the future.  Channeled Fairy Energies.  Will help you to heal, and to better activate your own healing magic.  Will help with more clarity and knowing about your path ahead.  Will help you to activate your ability to read others futures or to tap into the destiny of those around you.  Activate the ability to feel and heal those around you.  Activate more of your energetic gifts and energetic knowing.  Better sense things energetically.  Better read energy and pick up on things energetically.  Activate more of your ability to work with energy.  Tap into your healing gifts and abilities.  Tap into more light and working with light and frequency.  Better sense, tap into and read your path ahead.  Better sense and see the timelines, paths, and choices that lie ahead.


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