Twin Flame Healing For The Overall Energetic Connection

£ 211.00

This is a channeled healing.  Heal yourself and the overall connection.  Let go of old energies and blocks.  It helps you to open your heart and mind, better trusting in the wisdom of your soul’s journey.   Heal blocks found within the heart.  Heal blocks found within the mind/ and ego.  This helps you to […]



This is a channeled healing.  Heal yourself and the overall connection.  Let go of old energies and blocks.  It helps you to open your heart and mind, better trusting in the wisdom of your soul’s journey.   Heal blocks found within the heart.  Heal blocks found within the mind/ and ego.  This helps you to trust in your destined path and Twin Flame Journey.  Raise your frequencies and align your energy.  Align with your destiny which is your Twin Flame Union.  This is a beautiful energy to tap into.

This energy can be harnessed to create peace and connection.  Heal any fears around intimacy.  This helps you to take bolder steps towards a deeper connection.  Be more courageous and open when it comes to love.  Let go of fears that can manifest into the Union or issues in the Union.  Your Twin Flame reflects back to you,  your own fears and negative beliefs.  Heal the deeper fears, negativity, and negative beliefs around love.  Let go of deeper fears and insecurities that your Twin Flame may be bringing to the surface for healing or triggering.  Heal deeper blocks and triggers around love and coming up within the connection.


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