Inner Child Healing Activation

£ 66.00

This is a channeled healing activation.  Heal childhood wounding.  This is an inner child healing activation.  Heal the wounding from your past and from your childhood.  Heal your mind, your thoughts, your narratives and perspectives.  Heal any negative thoughts, narratives, and ways of seeing things.  Heal the pain that has manifested into your stories.  Heal […]


This is a channeled healing activation.  Heal childhood wounding.  This is an inner child healing activation.  Heal the wounding from your past and from your childhood.  Heal your mind, your thoughts, your narratives and perspectives.  Heal any negative thoughts, narratives, and ways of seeing things.  Heal the pain that has manifested into your stories.  Heal the narratives, stories, perspectives in your mind both conscious and unconscious come into awareness as revelations so that you may begin to re-write them.  A healing to help you to shift to more positive narratives.  This helps you to manifest more positive outcomes.  Heal both your inner and outer dialogue.  Heal what is underneath the surface.  Heal the deeper vulnerabilities and insecurities that come from childhood.  Heal your inner child. 


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