6:29 – 11:15 Saturn Retrograde In Pisces Twin Flame Healing

£ 211.00

Saturn is Retrograde until Nov 15th.  Retrogrades reflect times of cosmic slowdown and reversal, so, too, are their energetic effects on us.  When planets appear to move backward from our perspective, we’re also encouraged to look to the past, and review, reassess, and reconsider.  A channeled healing.  Heal the past.  It’s the past that comes […]


Saturn is Retrograde until Nov 15th.  Retrogrades reflect times of cosmic slowdown and reversal, so, too, are their energetic effects on us.  When planets appear to move backward from our perspective, we’re also encouraged to look to the past, and review, reassess, and reconsider.  A channeled healing.  Heal the past.  It’s the past that comes up getting in the way of your current manifesting.  Heal unresolved underlying energetic issues.  Let go of the past wounds, pains, and blocks.  If you’re prone to self-sabotage, Saturn’s Retrograde in Pisces is a great time to take steps to address those behaviors.  Heal self sabatoging fears, thoughts, and behaviors.  When Saturn is Retrograde, take advantage of this period to reflect on your relationships and the idea of time.  Heal and let go of any obstacles that are slowing down or preventing Union.  Unblock and heal any unresolved issues within the connection.  Heal any relationship challenges or issues in the relationship that may surface.  Have more patience and commitment to resolve longstanding problems and strengthen the Twin Flame bond.


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