6:9 – 7:21 Mars In Taurus Raise Your Frequency Healing

£ 211.00

Mars will be in Taurus from June 9th until July 20th.  The day to day and life in general can weight us down.  We pick up a lot of energies everywhere.  Everything in life is an energy exchange and we can get rid down.  Raise your frequency.  Get your shine back.  Let go of anything…


Mars will be in Taurus from June 9th until July 20th.  The day to day and life in general can weight us down.  We pick up a lot of energies everywhere.  Everything in life is an energy exchange and we can get rid down.  Raise your frequency.  Get your shine back.  Let go of anything weighting you down.  Let go of outside energies, attachments, cords and other yucky energies.  Clear stress and negative thoughts.  Heal and raise your overall vibrational frequency.  Let go of and clear lower emotional energies.  Let go of and dissolve any energetic blocks or chakra blocks.  An overall healing did your body, chakras, and energy bodies.  Shift into a higher vibration and become lighter. Let go of the stress, problems, and over worrying.  Shift into a higher resonance spiritually.  Let go of anything holding you back or saying you down.  Melt and dissolve blocks and limitations.  Heal and let go of old patterns and negative thought patterns.  Let go of any heavy energies.  Open up to hold more light.  Experience more being in the present and mindfulness.  Recalibrate to a higher frequency.  Good more higher energies.


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