Higher Activation

£ 66.00

A channeled healing action. Helps you to better connect with and become your higher self here in the physical.  Break free from old patterns by embracing change even if it feels uncomfortable. This helps you to shift out of your 3D self and into your 5D self. Let go of the energies holding you back. […]



A channeled healing action. Helps you to better connect with and become your higher self here in the physical.  Break free from old patterns by embracing change even if it feels uncomfortable. This helps you to shift out of your 3D self and into your 5D self. Let go of the energies holding you back. Let go of the old 3D programming and shift into a higher more positive 5D state. Clear the energies of your old life, stepping more fully into the new. Raise your frequency. Access more of your Higher Self’s wisdom and guidance. This is a 5D energy upgrade. Better align and shift into your 5D self. Shift your mind into a higher and more positive state. Better integrate your Higher Self aspect, merging it more into the physical state. Really start to shift into the highest version you can vibrational embody. Become a higher version of yourself. Awaken your Higher Self and activate your Higher Self connection. Align with your Higher Self getting more messages and accessing a wealth of spiritual knowledge.


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