Premium Healing Package To Shift Into A Higher Alignment

£ 1,111.00

This package comes with an hour of energy healing.  Channeled energy healing session.  Raises your frequency, overall healing channeled for you and your Twin Flame.  Channeled crystalline light codes.  Half an hour: Wakes you both up more.  Wakes you both up more to this Divine connection.  Awaken you both more to this Divine Union.  Energies […]



This package comes with an hour of energy healing.  Channeled energy healing session.  Raises your frequency, overall healing channeled for you and your Twin Flame.  Channeled crystalline light codes.  Half an hour: Wakes you both up more.  Wakes you both up more to this Divine connection.  Awaken you both more to this Divine Union.  Energies to anchor you onto higher, or your highest Union timelines.  Integrate higher light frequencies.  Shift into a higher dimensional alignment.  Shift into a higher alignment, and into a higher state.  Light codes for your Twin Flame Union.  Raise your vibration  to a higher level.  15 minutes: high vibrational healing energies to clear old density from your energetic system.  Clear the heavy energies, and old emotions.  Heal the deeper blocks.  15 minutes: Bring you and your Twin Flames Higher Self on more.  Let go of Ego and fully activate the Higher Self connection and Higher Self connection between you both.  Release lessons from the past that were painful, and uplift into a higher alignment for the future.  Bring online more of your full spiritual self.  This opens up the higher shared connection and more Twin Flame gifts.


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