Twin Flame Premium Healing Package

£ 999.00

The Capricorn Full Moon brings amazing energies.  This package comes with an hour of energy healing.  Channeled energy healing session.  Raises your frequency, overall healing channeled for you and your Twin Flame.  Half an hour: Upgrade your energy and your connection.  This assists you in integrating new light influxes into your body systems.  Upgrade your […]


The Capricorn Full Moon brings amazing energies.  This package comes with an hour of energy healing.  Channeled energy healing session.  Raises your frequency, overall healing channeled for you and your Twin Flame.  Half an hour: Upgrade your energy and your connection.  This assists you in integrating new light influxes into your body systems.  Upgrade your physical structures to handle running higher and higher vibratory frequencies.  Clear fear based energies and patterns to vibrate higher.  Align with a higher state.  Align with a higher state energetically with your Twin Flame.  Raise both Twin Flames up into higher frequencies.  Heal old wounds and blocks to uplift your Twin Flame dynamic.  15 minutes: Awaken your sleeper Twin Flame.  Sleeper Twins are awakening rapidly both now and in this coming period. We can call them the third wave of beings.  Awaken both to the connection becoming more aware, and aware you your soul identities.  In the Twin Flame connection there is usually a spiritual twin and a matrix twin.  The spiritual twin will usually be the consciousness of the Union and will have the duty of awakening the other twin to their divinity and spiritual power.  Awaken both to their spiritual path and path towards Union.  Unlock both of your DNA.  Awaken your matrix Twin Flame.  Powerful activations and upgrades to awaken them to their spiritual journey, and to their Twin Flame connection.  Interact with them more on the soul planes.  15 minutes: Energies For your Union.  Twin Flame Union is a spiritual state where both Twin Flames are awakened to their Twin Flame connection and have mutually agreed to be in an exclusively committed relationship with each other.  Energies for physical Union and a physical relationship.  Make sure you’re in the right Union timelines.  Shift to higher Union timelines.