Activation To Open Up Your Destined Path

£ 66.00

This is a channeled healing activation.  Shift into a higher frequency.  Clear anything blocking who your meant to become and your destined path.  Open up your destined path getting more clarity on what steps to be taking to fulfill your spiritual destiny.  Energies to help you to attune to your highest frequency, and most authentic […]



This is a channeled healing activation.  Shift into a higher frequency.  Clear anything blocking who your meant to become and your destined path.  Open up your destined path getting more clarity on what steps to be taking to fulfill your spiritual destiny.  Energies to help you to attune to your highest frequency, and most authentic version of yourself.  Heal yourself to become a better more tuned in version of yourself.  Create space for miracles, and the manifestation of your deepest desires.  Better connect with your own intuition and your soul’s guidance.  Remove anything blocking you from your spiritual self so you can shift into your highest potential.  Open up more opportunities, and potentials.  Clear anything blocking your path.  This helps you to open up higher timelines.  Heal anything left unhealed issues in your system.  Enhances your intuition and Divine guidance.


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