Past Life Healing Activation

£ 66.00

This is a channeled healing activation.  Some trauma goes way far back.  You brought a lot of trauma and karma into this lifetime from your previous lifetimes.  Heal the many lifetimes and trauma and karma that you’re still carrying and energetically connected too.  We can look at our past incarnations as dormant seeds of experience […]



This is a channeled healing activation.  Some trauma goes way far back.  You brought a lot of trauma and karma into this lifetime from your previous lifetimes.  Heal the many lifetimes and trauma and karma that you’re still carrying and energetically connected too.  We can look at our past incarnations as dormant seeds of experience and lessons, which are still planted in our subconscious.  Healing for on a past life level and on a subconscious level.  Heal the subconscious memories of your past incarnations.  Heal any unresolved past life issues and wounding.  Heal the soul level memories of traumatic past lifetimes.  Let go of past and past lifetime baggage.  Activate your soul to a higher level.  Heal the deeper wounding.  Clear the negative past life memories.  Activate that inner knowing of ones that are useful and beneficial to you in the now.  Bring online more past life understanding.  Get more understanding on your past lives.  Transmute painful past life energies.  Great for healing childhood and past life wounding, as well as karmic wounds of your past.


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