Twin Flame Premium Healing Package

£ 1,111.00

Ready to go to the next level within your connection.  This is a next level healing.  An hour energy healing for you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Get rid of anything blocking the connection, in the way of the connection, or coming up in the connection.  This healing will take both of your frequencies […]



Ready to go to the next level within your connection.  This is a next level healing.  An hour energy healing for you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Get rid of anything blocking the connection, in the way of the connection, or coming up in the connection.  This healing will take both of your frequencies way up.  Half an hour: Release deeper blocks and triggers.  Twin Flames will experience triggers along their journey.  These triggers are meant to show you what work needs to be done.  Heal the deeper triggers embedded in your energetic field from childhood.  This will help you tone more chilled and zenned out when any old triggers come up.  Start to get rid of and dissolve them.  Heal the romantic triggers.  15 minutes: Heal the past pain and trauma that makes you hesitant to open up to love.  Great for healing trust issues from past heartbreak.  Heal and transmute negative past energies.  Heal your deeper romantic patterns.  Heal from past relationships.  Let go of past relationship influences.  15 minutes:  Heal negative patterns and negative behavior patterns.  Heal the deeper karmic patterns that get in the way and have us playing out karmic loops and narratives.  Heal deeper patterns that get triggered on the journey.  Heal and let go of patterns left behind by negative past experiences and heartbreak.  Some of these patterns are quite old, going back to childhood.  Heal old patterning that resulted from past traumas.  Heal your childhood wounds.


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