Twin Flame Heal Your Original Blueprint

£ 211.00

Twin Flames need to raise their frequency.  Especially if in separation or not in full Union yet, your frequency isn’t high enough yet.  Raise your vibrational and spiritual frequency.  You’re made of energy, so it’s important that you’re keeping your frequency high.  When you raise your vibration theirs is also raised.  You’re the same soul.  […]



Twin Flames need to raise their frequency.  Especially if in separation or not in full Union yet, your frequency isn’t high enough yet.  Raise your vibrational and spiritual frequency.  You’re made of energy, so it’s important that you’re keeping your frequency high.  When you raise your vibration theirs is also raised.  You’re the same soul.  So they stop thinking about all the negative reasons why you cannot be together and suddenly are drawn back to you.  Raise your vibration to a level that aligns with your higher self, your original blueprint.  Heal your energy, Higher Self connection, and soul blueprint.  This aligns you with Union.  Twin Flames mirror virtually identical core wounds to each other, triggering each other’s subconscious insecurities.  Heal your subconscious limiting beliefs.  Release shadow aspects and shift into higher vibrations.  Bring your vibration into alignment with your Higher Self, and original blueprint.  Enhance your connection to your Twin Flame.  Heal your original blueprint for Union.


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