7:30- 12:29 Chiron Retrograde Alignment Activation

£ 66.00

A channeled healing activation.  Heal your heart chakra and your love life.  This is great for everyone.  Venus in this alignment will be stirring up old wounds around love.  Heal from past heartbreak and hurt.  Let go of old hurts and wounds.  Heal heartbreak and past struggles.  Heal the wounds left behind from old lovers, […]


A channeled healing activation.  Heal your heart chakra and your love life.  This is great for everyone.  Venus in this alignment will be stirring up old wounds around love.  Heal from past heartbreak and hurt.  Let go of old hurts and wounds.  Heal heartbreak and past struggles.  Heal the wounds left behind from old lovers, friends and family.  Heal the karmic wounds left behind from your past.  Heal wounds that impact your self-worth, self-love, and our ability to form and sustain healthy relationships.  Heal how your connecting and the type of connections that your attracting.  Heal from old wounds and rise above painful situations from the past.  Heal and restore your heart chakra.  Dissolve any heart blocks and open it up. Activate your heart and heal any wounds around self love and love.  Open up to more love and self love.  Heal the deeper past wounds.  Heal core wounds around relationships.


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