Starseed Activation

£ 66.00

A channeled activation.  Your soul has incarnated to Earth from other Planets and dimensions.  This activation is to help you to awaken to your starseed origins.  Helps you to activate a knowing or to remember your past lives in the Sirius Binary Star system.  Helping you to integrate this information and awareness into your current […]



A channeled activation.  Your soul has incarnated to Earth from other Planets and dimensions.  This activation is to help you to awaken to your starseed origins.  Helps you to activate a knowing or to remember your past lives in the Sirius Binary Star system.  Helping you to integrate this information and awareness into your current incarnation.  Helping you to feel and remember your connection to the stars.  Activating the connection with your Sirian guides.  Helping you to wake up so you can honor, and be more aware of your Galactic Star Contracts.  Helping to bridge the gap between your Galactic past lives and now.  A healing and activation for your Galactic past lives, and Sirian soul aspects.  Awaken to your Galactic past lives.  Bring online more of your past life knowledge and understanding.  Open up and activate your Galactic connection.  Receive more Galactic guidance through.  Better communicate with the Galactics.  Great for activating that blue ray connection.   Sirius energies to open up your creative energies.  Energies for enhanced intuition, dreams, and your psychic gifts.  Renew and recharge your energy.  Tap into more knowledge and past life knowledge.


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