3rd Eye Activation For Intuition And Dreams

£ 66.00

A channeled healing activation.  Activate your third eye chakra.  Activate your intuition, psychic perception, and spiritual insight.  Enhance your psychic abilities through the awakening of the third eye.  Your third eye is the center of your intuition and higher consciousness.  Your chakras act as gateways for energy to flow into and out of your body, […]



A channeled healing activation.  Activate your third eye chakra.  Activate your intuition, psychic perception, and spiritual insight.  Enhance your psychic abilities through the awakening of the third eye.  Your third eye is the center of your intuition and higher consciousness.  Your chakras act as gateways for energy to flow into and out of your body, allowing you to connect with others spiritually and emotionally.  Your third eye is connected to intuition, wisdom, and perception.  Your third eye chakra is linked to intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual insights.  By activating this chakra, you can access your higher self and enhance your intuitive connection.  Activate your psychic abilities, inner vision, and deepen your connection to the spiritual realms.  Your third eye is the filter you perceive your reality through.  Clear imbalances, distortions of perception and intuition blocks.  Clear outdated programming.  Let go of old belief systems that get in the way of how you’re seeing things.  Wake up and be more lucid.  Tap into more of your intuition.  Have clearer dreams.  Activate your third eye and open up to more indigo light.  Open up and activate this psychic center.


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