Twin Flame Activation/ Activate Both Higher Self Connections

£ 66.00

This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heals your love life.  This healing helps you to better connect with your Higher Self, your Twin Flames Higher Self, your spiritual team, and the Universe.  Open up and activate your spiritual […]



This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heals your love life.  This healing helps you to better connect with your Higher Self, your Twin Flames Higher Self, your spiritual team, and the Universe.  Open up and activate your spiritual channeled and channeled to your Twin Flame.  Release anything blocking or in the way of the connection.  Open up and activate your higher Twin Flame channels.  Raise your frequency.  Let go of the wounds you carry from seperation in this lifetime and past lifetimes.  Let go of seperation based blocks and fears.  Heal seperation wounding on a deeper subconscious, and of course energetic level.  You and your Twin Flame both long to come home, back to Source.  This helps to activate that here in the physical.  Shift into a deeper alignment with your Twin Flame here in the physical.  Heal your Twin Flame connection.  Tap into more of your potential and align with higher frequencies of light, consciousness, and Divine love.  Channeled energies to align you both with your highest destiny.  Light codes for Divine Union.


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