8:24 – 10:27 Vesta Enters Virgo Twin Flame Activation

£ 66.00

This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heals your love life.  Energies for Reunion/ and Union.  Heal, and upgrade your love life.  Heal, activate, and better integrate your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies.  This can lead to a […]


This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heals your love life.  Energies for Reunion/ and Union.  Heal, and upgrade your love life.  Heal, activate, and better integrate your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies.  This can lead to a profound realization of oneness, unconditional love, and the embodiment of your full spiritual potential.  Twin Flames are identical souls incarnated as male/female pairs as two different people.  You are essentially one being, one soul blueprint, but exist as two different people.  When you experience soul merge, you will start to inherit certain memories of your Twin Flame as well as be able to telepathically communicate.  This helps to heal you and to help you through your Twin Flame process.  Heal your Divine Feminine energies.  Wake up more spiritually and remember more of your souls plan.  Tap into more of your spiritual gifts and purpose.  Heal your Divine Masculine energies.  Ground the connection into the physical reality.  Often during or after physical reunions they trigger the Divine Feminine to guide her to the next level in ascension.  Open up your intuition and telepathic gifts and abilities with your Twin Flame.  Heal and activate both you and your Twin Flame.  Heal and balance your energies both within and physically with your Twin Flame.  A Union activation.


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