Twin Flame Healing For Emotional Core Wounds

£ 211.00

Healing for you and your Twin Flame connection.  Twin Flames stir up old emotional hurt and old emotional wounds.  A good healing to release old trapped emotions.  When your Twin Flame becomes distant you go through feeling hurt, disappointed, confused and feel a need to look for answers.  All the feelings of hurt start to […]



Healing for you and your Twin Flame connection.  Twin Flames stir up old emotional hurt and old emotional wounds.  A good healing to release old trapped emotions.  When your Twin Flame becomes distant you go through feeling hurt, disappointed, confused and feel a need to look for answers.  All the feelings of hurt start to come to the surface from previous relationships, previous disappointments, hurt and fears.  Anger starts to surface.  A good healing to release energies and emotions from previous relationships.  Being hurt in the past creates blocks, wounds, and negative narratives.  When these places are reactivated by your Twin Flame you think the same pain is happening again.  All of these feelings and emotions are necessary for the growth of the relationship.  It can feel very difficult and overwhelming.  Heal from past heartbreak and the thoughts left behind in the mind.  Heal the core wounds that your Twin Flame has activated.  Their mere presence can stir up intense emotions within us because they awaken parts of ourselves that have been dormant or hidden.  This can make us feel vulnerable and exposed.  Your ego may feel threatened and react by projecting these emotions onto your Twin Flame, causing misunderstandings and conflicts.  Twin Flame relationships can lead to strong emotions, which can be taxing for some.  Your Twin Flame can trigger you in the most profound ways, surfacing unresolved issues.  Healing for the deeper unresolved issues and traumas.  Your past experiences, especially the painful ones, can leave deep emotional wounds within you that you may not even be fully aware of.  Release any blocked, low vibrational, trapped energies.


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