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Twin Flame Clearing For Fear
This is a good clearing for you and your Twin Flame. Clears your energy, clears your Twin Flame connection. Great for everyone, no matter what your situation. Your Twin Flame amplifies your emotions, insecurities, your fears, and your doubts. Clear these type of issues. Remember that your Twin Flame is your mirror, and their purpose […]
This is a good clearing for you and your Twin Flame. Clears your energy, clears your Twin Flame connection. Great for everyone, no matter what your situation. Your Twin Flame amplifies your emotions, insecurities, your fears, and your doubts. Clear these type of issues. Remember that your Twin Flame is your mirror, and their purpose is to show you the things that are holding you back, like your fears and insecurities. Let go of deeper relationship fears and insecurity. Heal and clear any ways that you feel not good enough. Heal and clear deep-seated unconscious fears and hurts that trigger the feeling of needing to escape from the relationship. They show you by triggering you. They trigger an upset within you and bring this emotion, or vibration onto the surface to be healed. Clear the lower energies and emotions. Twin Flames share the same blocks. This is because they share one consciousness. The blocks are the same at the core but they may express themselves differently in the physical world. You share the same core fears, core wounds and core lessons, but again, these may express themselves and play out differently on the physical scale. Heal and clear the blocks. As you do you heal the block for your Twin Flame too because it was a block in your shared consciousness. The reason so many Twins struggle is because their systems are full of inherited negativity and programming that keeps them in experiences of hardships. Let go of and clear ancestral karma and past life wounds. Clear baggage from fear. Clear lower timelines and ancestral/karmic lower vibrational timelines.
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