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Twin Flame Healing For Core Childhood Wounds
A good healing for you and your Twin Flame connection. Both Twin Flames grew up in oddly parallel life experiences and attributes. You also share a common core wound. This wound may have developed in early childhood, and can be rooted in a deep emotional lack of something necessary for physical and emotional survival: love, […]
A good healing for you and your Twin Flame connection. Both Twin Flames grew up in oddly parallel life experiences and attributes. You also share a common core wound. This wound may have developed in early childhood, and can be rooted in a deep emotional lack of something necessary for physical and emotional survival: love, affection, nurturing, safety, protection. Heal this core wound. It’s off in this core wound that can come up and bring triggers, or cause issues keeping you apart. As each grew up, unaware of the other, the common emotional wound served as a shared template for how they each made sense of themselves and relationships. Etched into the subconscious, the wounded place became their point of reference over time, minimizing their ability to connect and bond into healthy relationships with others. The wound may have caused them to retreat in life and develop masks or a false persona that would hide the hurt and protect them from feeling the stab of original pain. Heal this deeper shared wounded template. When they meet, each Twin Flame helps the other surface the pain by exhibiting behavior that agitates the wound and mirrors the painful programming. This pattern cycles over time, as one pursues, one retreats, and vice versa, for as long as it takes to break the façade of illusion and return to unconditional love. Heal the illusion in the old model of love and partnership at the individual level, creating the framework for 5D consciousness at the collective level.
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