Twin Flame Love Bubble Activation

£ 66.00

This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heals your love life.  Twin Flames meet and go into a euphoric love bubble phase.  This is the meeting, recognition, and falling in love.  You both have an energetic and soul recognition.  […]



This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Heals your love life.  Twin Flames meet and go into a euphoric love bubble phase.  This is the meeting, recognition, and falling in love.  You both have an energetic and soul recognition.  It feels amazing, and the best energies you have ever felt.  You know this is your person.  This phase ends as the blocks come up getting in the way.  They can not sustain the energies and are pulled back for more healing work.  Heal and release the blocks built up around love.  The drop out of the love bubble phase means the two are no longer a vibrational match and generally begin to drop.  Raise up your vibrational frequency.  Shift into alignment with yourself, and your Twin Flame.  This process is painful.  Heal and let go of the inner pain and obstacles built within which blocks true inner love.  Once the love bubble passes, you quickly feel disillusioned in the relationship and maybe overwhelmed.  It feels like there is nowhere to hide in the relationship.  You are constantly confronted with issues.  This could lead to withdrawal or intense arguments.  The relationship could become quite volatile.  This is a sign that you had not yet done the necessary inner work to be in Union.  Heal and let go of negative behaviors and blocks.  You’re meant to do the work to make your way back into that higher frequency love bubble state with your Twin Flame.  This activation will help you to do that, no matter where you’re at on your Journey.  Heal and let go of the unresolved traumas that get in the way.  Raise up your frequency to that of Union.  Activate your energy for Union.  Make sure you’re aligned with your Union/ Union of both souls.


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