9:17 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces Twin Flame Activation

£ 66.00

This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Lunar eclipses typically bring profound moments of change and awakening.  This month’s Full Moon is in Pisces will heighten the sensitivity, awareness & intuition between Twin Flames.  Activate your energy and heal […]


This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Lunar eclipses typically bring profound moments of change and awakening.  This month’s Full Moon is in Pisces will heighten the sensitivity, awareness & intuition between Twin Flames.  Activate your energy and heal and activate the connection between you both.  Raise your frequency and the frequency of your connection.  Get more clarity.  Heal and clear deeper blocks.  Pisces is associated with spirituality, compassion, healing, creativity and the ethereal world of mysticism.  This activation will connect you with your intuition.  Lunar Eclipses are thought to speed up our timelines.  Energies for your Union, and higher Union timelines.  Trust that an Eclipse is a portal to a new path that is meant for you.  This year’s Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is significant because it’s the first Eclipse in a new series, bringing fated and destined changes.  This Lunar Eclipse is conjunct Neptune, the Planet of illusion, compassion, and imagination.  That to means this Eclipse can stir up feelings of idealism, creativity, and romance.  Venus, the planet of relationships, will also stare down Chiron, which may invite old relationship wounds and triggers to resurface.  Clear the old wounds and triggers.  Let go of the past relationship wounds that come up as triggers in this current connect.  Channeled healing for your Union.  Activate and upgrade your energy, and the connection.


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