Twin Flame Clearing/ Clear Out Karmic Energies

£ 155.00

This is a good clearing for you and your Twin Flame.  Clears your energy, clears your Twin Flame connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Clear old soul contracts and karmic energies. Clear out karmic energies still coming up or playing out between you and your Twin Flame.  Clear any karmic energies you’re […]



This is a good clearing for you and your Twin Flame.  Clears your energy, clears your Twin Flame connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Clear old soul contracts and karmic energies. Clear out karmic energies still coming up or playing out between you and your Twin Flame.  Clear any karmic energies you’re still dealing with, or that are still affecting you.  This clearing will bring you back into balance, and back into balance with your connection.  Release negative energies that may be holding you back.  Clear fears, doubts, and energies that don’t align with the future that you don’t want.  Clear the inner fears and doubts that get in the way of Union.  Great for clearing negative energies, past lovers, and past traumas.  Let go of negative energies and blocks left behind by past traumas.  Heal and clear the wounds of your past.  Clear out old energies and welcome in new energy.  Let go of the past so you can shift into where you should be now.


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