9:22 Autumn Equinox Twin Flame Healing

£ 211.00

A good healing for you and your Twin Flame connection.  The Autumn Equinox represents a time of balance and transformation and offers you a chance to reflect on what you have and what you have accomplished.  This healing helps you to shift into a balance energetically.  Bring your connection into harmony.  Shift into a perfect […]


A good healing for you and your Twin Flame connection.  The Autumn Equinox represents a time of balance and transformation and offers you a chance to reflect on what you have and what you have accomplished.  This healing helps you to shift into a balance energetically.  Bring your connection into harmony.  Shift into a perfect equilibrium between your external experiences and your inner spiritual journey.  With the seasonal energies ramping up for the September Equinox this healing helps you to harness these energies for your Union.  Autumn Equinox represents the arrival of the fall.  Autumn Equinox is known as the spiritual harvest.  This healing helps to raise your vibration level up higher.  This helps you with your Union and awakening.  This healing will balance between your light and dark aspects, and masculine and feminine aspects.  The Autumn Equinox, is one of the two points in the year where day and night are of equal length.  This celestial event represents a balance, and a moment when the energies of the light and the dark are in harmony, offering a unique time for reflection and introspection.  This healing helps you to rebalance, restore, and refocus your energy.  This healing and rebalancing will help you stay devoted to your well-being as you move into the fall and the holidays, so you can complete the rest of the year with a full tank.


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