9:23 – 10:17 Venus Enters Scorpio Activation

£ 66.00

A channeled healing activation.  The veils between the physical world and spiritual world are thinnest around this time.  Autumn is a very spiritual time.  Psychic energy is heightened to a higher level.  A great activation for your psychic gifts and abilities.  Harness the energies for a great psychic and spiritual upgrade.  A good psychic and […]


A channeled healing activation.  The veils between the physical world and spiritual world are thinnest around this time.  Autumn is a very spiritual time.  Psychic energy is heightened to a higher level.  A great activation for your psychic gifts and abilities.  Harness the energies for a great psychic and spiritual upgrade.  A good psychic and energetic activation and upgrade.  Raise your frequency.  This allows you to tap into and tune into more.  It also allows you to shift to higher timelines and better options, possibilities, and outcomes.  Great for healing, activating, and upgrading your third eye.  A spiritual upgrade.  Unlock and activate the next level of your psychic abilities.  Open up your psychic and spiritual senses.  Pick up on more.  As in better tap in and read more.  Opens up your gifts to better read people and situations.  Better tune into your psychic abilities and strengthen them.  Tap into and access higher spiritual states.  Activate more of your psychic potential.  Activate more of your psychic intuition.  Clear negative thoughts that hinder your psychic abilities.  Get more in touch with the spiritual side of life.


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