Twin Flame Activation For Auric Field/ DNA Code

£ 66.00

This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Each Twin Flame is encoded with particular frequency of energy and when they come into Union and their auric fields engage, it activates their DNA.  Twin Flames are incarnated at this time […]


This is a channeled healing activation.  Will activate you, your Twin Flame, and the connection.  Great for everyone, no matter what your situation.  Each Twin Flame is encoded with particular frequency of energy and when they come into Union and their auric fields engage, it activates their DNA.  Twin Flames are incarnated at this time to carry a particular frequency of Source energy which their DNA was encoded to embody.  Raise your frequency.  Heal and activate your Union.  Energies to heal, uplift, and activate your Union.  A DNA code activation.  Activate your template codes.  Receive more light and heal the physical, emotional, mental and planetary bodies.  The Twin Flame template is designed by the Universe with a specific design or call it levels of code activation or subcodes that are getting activated before the final code in total is functional.  This activation process is completed in steps which correspond to the stages like runner/ chaser, separation, reunion, and union.  This activation helps you to trust the Divine plan and allows the journey to take its course.  This allows you to be in better place emotionally.  Channeled energies for your Union.  Makes both of you more aware of the connection, and spiritual connection.  Opens you up to more energetic communication.  Pick up on and have more shared thoughts, feelings, experiences and/or dreams.


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